Areas of Practice

The lawyers at Whitney and Schowalter handle every type of criminal case, including those involving the following issues:
- Crimes of violence
- Domestic violence
- Drug cases
- DUI- alcohol and marijuana/drugs
- Federal charges
- Municipal ordinance violations
- Probation violation hearings
- Self-defense or defense or property/premises; defense of others
- Sex assault
- Traffic tickets
- Weapons violations
These areas include the following specific charges:
- Accessory
- Aggressive animal tickets
- Arson
- Assault, first, second, or third degree
- Assault of a peace officer
- Assault of an at risk individual
- Attempt
- Burglary
- Carrying a concealed weapon
- Child abuse, felony or misdemeanor
- Criminal impersonation
- Conspiracy or complicity
- Disturbing the peace
- Distribution of a controlled substance
- Distribution of marijuana
- DMV hearings
- Driving under the influence (DUI)
- Driving under the influence per se
- Driving while under the influence of drugs (DUID)
- Driving while ability impaired (DWAI)
- Driving under revocation (DUR)
- Dog bite
- Eluding
- False information
- Forgery
- Fraud
- Harassment
- Harassment of police canine
- Homicide
- Incest
- Inciting a public riot
- Identity theft
- Juvenile law
- Indecent exposure
- Manufacturing marijuana
- Manufacturing controlled substances
- Menacing
- Minor in possession
- Noise ordinance
- Obstruction
- Perjury
- Possession of a controlled substance
- Possession of a financial transaction device (unlawful)
- Possession of marijuana
- Possession of paraphernalia
- Possession of a weapon
- Prescription fraud
- Public intoxication
- Public nuisance
- Resisting Arrest
- Shoplifting
- Sexual assault
- Sexual assault on a child
- Speeding tickets
- Stalking
- Tampering with evidence
- Threats
- Theft
- Theft by receiving
- Theft of an at risk adult
- Trespass
- Underage alcohol consumption
- Unlawful sexual contact
- Unlawful discharge of a firearm
- Vehicular assault and homicide
- Violation of a restraining order
- Violation of bail bond conditions
- White collar
- Witness tampering
- Various other criminal charges